09 April 2009

What Happen to the Golden Rule

The news seems to be filled with folks killing each other for "being dissed"; other folks getting their fifteen minutes of infamy with mass killings and an overall negativity in sociey. When I was a kid I would see the Golden Rule posed on billboards all over the place. Now I never see one nor do folks seem to know what it is. I am an optimist and I try to follow the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule is simply treat folks the way you want to be treated.

I grew up on military bases (my father spent twenty years in the Army). The family quarters area of the different posts where I live were desegregated and at times being the
WASP I was at the time was the minority( I am Catholic now). The kids in the neighborhood all played together and I didn't notice any racial overtones. We accepted each other for what we were personality wise not based on race or sex. I will admit that I couldn't play baseball unless they let my brother play (My mother didn't like that I was such a tomboy).

Yes I am rambling. But please try to follow the Golden Rule. Wiki entry for Golden Rule at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethic_of_reciprocity

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